'Tis the Season to Support Her

Hailey and Maragaret Smiling Book.jpg

It's finally that time of year... holiday season is upon us and while there is so much excitement in the air, it can get intense even if you're in the healthiest state of mind, but for those who are entrenched in difficult situations, the holidays can be miserable. This season, I invite you to open your heart and practice empathy... to think beyond what makes most sense to you, and let others know how much you care about them.

One may wonder why a woman wouldn't want to leave an abusive relationship. "I don't understand why she doesn't just leave... he's putting her in danger and she knows she deserves better." You might whisper to a friend behind her back. "She knows that there are resources available. I don't know why she doesn't file for a restraining order?"

It may seem black and white, but what's going on behind closed doors is usually much more complicated than what meets the eye. Navigating through an abusive relationship, whether it's emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, can be a treacherous mind game.

Maybe she hasn't left yet because she doesn't have the financial resources, or maybe she is afraid she'll lose her children, or that he will find her, and punish her more for leaving... or maybe there is still an iota of love that she is trying to salvage and a part of her thinks she can make him change. There are so many reasons why a woman may stay in an abusive relationship, and it's not anyone's place to judge, but what we can do is let her know how much we care about her... love her, and support her, and be there for her when she's ready to go.

It is important to come up with a plan and find safety. The statistic is that a woman will return to an abusive relationship seven times before she leaves for good. Understanding the psychology behind the abuse and the manipulation is helpful, but more than that, kindness, patience and love are key.

The mission of Mpulse Studio is to support women's health, safety, and dignity... as an artist I do this through several mediums including a collection of bright, floral paintings intended to evoke joy in The Flowerbomb Series, through The Love Necklace Campaign, and The Empower through Love Project.

There are so many ways to give someone the support they deserve. Whether it's a thoughtful gift, or a sweet text message, or maybe an outing somewhere relaxing.

'Tis the season to show her you care... 'tis the season to support her.