The Art of Journaling


I have a confession to make... I'm not sure if you've been following my Guided by Love series that I share at the end of each email. I made a promise to share a new edition each week, and just as the story started taking off… life happened, and I haven't had time to write the next 'episode.' 

So... next week, I promise I'll have something new.

Recently, I moved from a place I've been living in for the past seven years (in the past three, it has become an epicenter of tourism) to a much quieter neighborhood on the other side of the island. The transition took about three weeks, and it was chaotic. 

I did the best I could to maintain some kind of normalcy while living out of suitcases and trying to get my stressed-out chi-weenie, Triton, to understand that it wouldn't be long before he had a fenced-in yard to run around in.

Amidst the chaos, I knew that I would have to make sacrifices, and it was my personal work that I chose to set aside—my morning journaling practice, which I call "Letters to Alexander."

We all have different journaling practices. 

In mine, I write to Alexander Hamilton as if he were my pen pal. I chose him for several reasons, one being that he was a highly prolific writer and serves as an inspiration to me (yes, Lin-Manuel Miranda might have had something to do with it).  I keep a crisp ten-dollar bill on my desk so I can greet him each morning and let him know what I have going on.

I write to him like he's my friend, which allows me to write openly, freely, without questioning or overthinking things. Through this practice, I gain clarity, work through situations, and learn more about myself.

I know it may sound silly, but sometimes naming our practices keeps us consistent with them.

Several years ago, I wrote a blog post (which ended up getting published in Sivana East) on the power of journaling where I share five prompts to help you establish your own writing ritual.

You can read the blog post here, and I'd love to know—do you have a journaling practice? If so, click here and let me know. I'd love to hear all about it😊

If you’re interested in taking your writing and creativity to the next level, check out my writing services. As both an author and an artist, I know what it takes to master the techniques and discipline necessary to bring a story to life and I’d love to help you with yours.

Again, I apologize for putting Guided by Love on hold for a few weeks. I promise that by next week, you'll know what happens next.

Sending you love from the tropics.

Meg HulseComment