My Beliz-iversary


Today a memory from my Instagram story showed up with the date May 11, 2017, and an image of my laptop open on a desk overlooking the Caribbean Sea.

This was taken on my first day in Belize, five years ago. I was about 75 percent finished writing my novel, Sketches from the Heart of a Texas Artist. I had traveled to a small island off the coast of the mainland to learn more about the culture so I could write about it authentically.

My first adventure to Belize led to a second, and a third and... five years later, here I am working on my second book.

I reside in San Pedro, a small island about thirty nautical miles from the mainland. I quickly became immersed in the culture and fell in love with it and, just like in any relationship, it's not always slow dances under the moonlight.

My newest book, I love. addresses the spectrum of emotions we feel when we open our hearts, intimately. Inspired by all I've experienced in San Pedro, this is a collection of poetry and short narratives that invite you into an island romance.

Presale orders are available here, and as a thank you, you will receive a 5" x 7" signed print of one of the illustrations from the book. Presale orders are extremely appreciated because they provide the author and editor with additional resources as the book goes through the publication and printing process.

The book will be on shelves by the end of June, just in time to read while you relax under the sun—maybe in San Pedro?

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