She's the One...

Last week, I had the opportunity to present my work at the Vignette Art Fair as a vocationist.  I presented my novel, 'Sketches from the Heart of a Texas Artist' and my LOVE Necklace Campaign, and spoke about how the two projects fuse together to fulfill the mission of Mpulse Studio: to use wearable and visual art and literature to evoke purpose, love, and confidence, while connecting with community programs to support women's health, safety, and dignity.

I had no idea how many people to expect at this event or how much inventory to have on hand.  I stopped at my parent's house to visit with mom the day before the event.  I told her that I had picked up extra supplies to fabricate a few more necklaces for the art fair, but I still wasn't sure if I had enough. Without pause, my mom picked up the LOVE Necklace that she had just purchased from me and said, "take this one with you to sell, just incase you need it."

This is one example, of many, of how graceful and selfless my mother is.  Not only does my mom shop from my website, but she totally supports Mpulse Studio however she can... she likes and shares everything I put on social media, attends all of my Dallas-based events, photographs me in my jewelry designs... the list goes on. And it's not just me. My mom continually puts my siblings, my father, and her grandchildren in the foreground of the family, and does all she can to ensure each of our successes.

My mother is the one I turn to before I make any big decision. She is the one I turn to when I don't know what to do.  She is the the first person I call when I want to share a funny story, or vent about a stressful situation, or talk about my new ideas and dreams and ambitions.

She is there for me through thick and thin.  She is a therapist, a problem solver, a confidant.  She is a stylist, a chef, a philanthropist, and a teacher.  She is a leader and a spiritual guide... She's the one, the woman who taught me how to stand tall and speak up for my convictions.  She's the one who taught me how to dust myself off, no matter how hard I fall.  She's the one who taught me how to love with my whole heart, the way she loves, every day.

To my amazing mother, and every mother out there, thank you for all you do to shower your children with unconditional love.  It is through your love, that this world is filled with kindness, thoughtfulness, and peace.  Thank you for all that you sacrifice to instill the message of love deep in the hearts of all who look to you for guidance and support.

As Mother's Day approaches, I want you all to know how much I admire and respect all you do, all year round.  

With gratitude,
