Find the help you deserve

Mpulse Studio is not a support center, but works in collaboration with shelters and helplines that can help you find safety.

The following shelters are supported by The Love Necklace Campaign. If these shelters are not located in your area, please call 211 to learn how to find help in your community, or contact the National Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-7233, or visit their website:

Dallas, TX - Genesis Women’s Shelter

Shelter/Emergency Hotline: 214.946.HELP (4357)
This line is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us if you or someone you love may be experiencing domestic violence or if you're seeking shelter.

Main Outreach Office: 214.389.7700
Would you like to schedule a counseling session or chat with an advocate about your options? Give us a call.

SAFE Alliance Austin

24-hr SAFEline – Call: 512.267.SAFE (7233) | Text: 737.888.7233

New Orleans Women’s and Children’s Shelter

Seeking shelter? The first step to seeking shelter in our community is to reach out in one of the following ways:

By Phone (9 AM to 4:30 PM): 504-899-4589 ext. 100

By Phone (4:30 PM to 9:00 AM): 504-570-9812