Fuel for your Adventurous Heart

Trunk Show and Artist Talk
Wednesday, March 22
7 - 10PM
Cafe Madrid
4501 Travis St, Dallas, TX 75205

A year ago, as a cathartic exercise, I started writing Sketches from the Heart of a Texas Artist, and developed the character, Mona Lamar (aka my alter-ego), a woman who's desire and pursuit of universal truths outshines her fears and anxieties as she accepts her Hero's Journey.

As she's chased by her dark shadow of despair, she hijacks a boat, sails through the Caribbean, falls in love, becomes entranced by an enchanted priestess, and receives instructions to return to her place of birth, New Orleans, to understand and accept her purpose.

Please join me on Wednesday, March 22, for a trunk show and artist talk.  Shop my 'Mayan Connection' spring line, enjoy vino and tapas and learn a little more about what it means to me, and Mona Lamar, to live with an adventurous heart.

RSVP for a complimentary glass of wine! Please feel free to bring guests and encourage them to RSVP as well.

Click here to RSVP

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